Wednesday, September 2, 2009

first cello lesson

Today was the day of my first cello lesson. Today is my day off (for now) and I normally would have liked to have slept in at least to, oh say, 12ish but because of circumstances too complicated for me to bother to explain I had to work for two hours in the office today- I like saying "the office" because it makes me sound important which in the big scheme of things I am not so much but never the less is still like sounding like I am- anywho I was not going to drive back and forth to Forestville to get my cello so I took my newly rented cello with me- I went to "the office" for my two hours 10:30am- 12:30pm- I went to my weekly "appointment" at 1pm for an hour- (we all know that appointments that happen every week for an hour are called therapy but I continue to refer to it as an appointment in general conversation and apparently in this blog as an appointment as if its some kind of dirty secret that I like 60% of the US population am in therapy) and after my "appointment" I headed toward cello. I had to bring my cello inside with me at my "appointment" because it was hot out and the place I rented the cello from told me not to leave it in a hot car and I'm paranoid. anyways as I was pulling into the drive way of my cello teacher her neighbor yelled at me about being in the driveway at all and I parked on the street instead but other than a grumpy next door neighbor who is over protective of her shared driveway the cello lesson was an all around success and I am super excited about the endeavor.
I would like you to know that starting a hobby such as the cello is not cheap- I thought up this idea about two years ago and even went so far as to contact someone in the area about cello lessons at which time she told me where to rent a cello- it didn't happened than but I thankfully remembered her directions from two years ago for the shop to rent from- if I had not remembered these directions I simply do not know what I would have done because the shop I rented from is this super secret hard to find not labeled as such place in downtown Santa Rosa- you have to go to a certain building up the stairs- follow the faint whiff of rosin you will smell down the hall, give the secret pass word and voila you are in the only store in Santa Rosa that rents out cellos. Cellos have props- for instance it came to my attention today that I was going to need a music stand- I thought that a place that rents cellos may also have such an item as a music stand but I was very wrong about this- they do not- they rent cellos and violins and probably violas and that is all- no string instrument accessories- thank god a bow came with the cello. I was able to find a music stand after my first lesson at a shop in Sebastopol- by that time I also needed a metronome, a Suzuki Cello book for beginners and a tuning fork- I got out of there at $80.00, rental of cello $45/monthly, cello lesson $65/ weekly- learning to play a string instrument . . . priceless? hmm we will see.
my cello

my new music book, tuning fork, and metronome
 the cheapest music stand i could find
after all the excitement of the cello lesson i drove home, took a nap, ate dinner, wrote this blog, and now i'm going to go balance my bruised budget than sensless t.v until eric gets home from work at which time i will shower him with kisses and go to bed. good night.

1 comment:

  1. embrace a cello is a most wonderful relationship.
