Tuesday, September 1, 2009


     I am an exceptional showerer- I know its in the "About Me" part of this blog because I just completed the "About Me" part of this blog but I felt that I should expand on the statement that I am good at taking showers. First of all the word good is an understatement- i am fucking awesome at this particular activity- taking an shower is an event for me- i love spending way too much time and precious water resources showering- basking in a spray of warm water, shaving, cleaning my face, scrubbing my whole entire body with excellent smelly soap and than soaking my hair in some ridiculus amount of shampoo and conditioner- and than there is the after shower part of the event- the face getting toned with some overpriced salon product and picking out which scent i will reek of and inevitably spread to my bed sheets. Will it be lavender oil? rose oil? cocomut oil? suger lotion? moutain lotion? jasmine oil? So exciting- seriously I can hardly stand it- the whole thing takes me from beginning to end about an hour at the end of which I like to fall into my comfy bed and at the very least snooze.
     I even like thinking about showers and obviously this whole entire post is about the great showers I take. Before I moved in to my little place in Forestville with Eric i lived in this granny unit studio apartment that involved propane for the important heating functions- water heater, wall heater. Anywho when I first moved in there i did not know anything about propane or the tank they came in or where they were located in relationship to my cottage or what there exact function was in my little cottage. Since the cottage had been vacant for about a month before I moved in my landlord had turned the water heater to vacation mode and I guess they forgot to turn it back when I moved in. Like I said I knew nothing about propane heaters so for the next years i lived with a shower on vacation mode- the water would never get warmer than tepid and it would only last about 2 minutes- not nearly enough time for the basking i require or not nearly hot enough- i usually like more water scalding. I resorted to showering at the gym which could get awkward as I stood in my stream of hot water for an inappropriate amount of time and finally i started asking my friends if I could shower at their houses- of coursse not near there shower times since there was never any hot water left over when i was done- some of my friends even went for it and let me shower- finally someone was kind of enough to suggest i check the setting on my water heater and after searching for about an hour i located the water heater (outside of the cottage right by the shower amazingly enough) and turned my water heater up- the remaining four years i lived at said cottage i enjoyed hot water showers for longer than two minutes. Its a story with a happy ending.
   I was going to take a picture of my ridiculous amount of shower and after shower products but i don't know where my camera is and eric is irritated that the Alfredo i made him cook for me for dinner has gotten cold and been neglected becasuse of blogging- it is tuesday- i asked eric to ask me to marry him on a tuesday- he has not hinted at anything all day but just in case i checked the alfredo dinner for a ring that he may have hid in the mass of noodles- there was not one. good night

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